\documentclass[12pt]{article} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{enumitem,kantlipsum} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{fontspec} \setmainfont{Times New Roman} \usepackage{geometry} \geometry{papersize={210mm,297mm}, lmargin=2cm, rmargin=2cm, tmargin=1.25cm, bmargin=2.5cm} \parindent 0pt \setlength{\parskip}{1em} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \begin{center} {\small Wetting Dynamics 2020\par} \vspace{.25cm} {\large\textbf{Title of the paper: single spaced, Times New Roman, 14 point bold font and centered}\par} {\textbf{Presenting Author}\textsuperscript{1}, Second Author\textsuperscript{2}, and Third Author\textsuperscript{3} \par} %\vspace{1.25pt} \end{center} \small \begin{enumerate}[wide, labelwidth=!, labelindent=0pt] \setlength\itemsep{-0.25em} \item \textit{Affiliation of the presenting author (11pt, left justified, italic)} \item \textit{Affiliation of the presenting author (11pt, left justified, italic)} \item \textit{Affiliation of the presenting author (11pt, left justified, italic), leave two blank lines after author’s affiliations.} \end{enumerate} \normalsize \parskip \parskip {Author list: Times New Roman 12 pt. centered. The \textbf{presenting author} is in bold.\par} {If your paper is submitted as a \LaTeX ~file , compile the .tex file with XeLaTex. Do not indent paragraphs. Use justified formatting for the text. Please do not modify the layout of the template. The paper format should be A4. Document margins should be 2.5 cm top and bottom, and 2 cm left and right.\par} {Papers shall not exceed a length of one page. If you insert figures, ensure to include figure labels and scale markers on all figures. Give a reference to a figure and table in the text (Fig. \ref{fig:wetting2020}). References should be included at the end of the text in Times New Roman, 11 pt., left justified.\par} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[scale=.27]{wetting2020.jpg} \caption{\small Times New Roman, 11 pt., justified. Replace the logo with any figure that illustrates the scientific content of your contribution. Provide a short description of the figure, including labels and scale markers as appropriate.} \label{fig:wetting2020} \end{figure} \par \footnotesize \begin{enumerate}[label={[\arabic*]},wide, labelwidth=!, labelindent=0pt] \setlength\itemsep{0.0em} \item R Ablett, Phil. Mag. \textbf{46} (1923), 244. \item F Author in “Introduction to abstract writing”, ed. D Writers, (Publisher, City, year) first page. \end{enumerate} \end{titlepage} \end{document}